The reckless motorcyclist isn't pulling wheelies and skids, they're instead making more basic poor decisions while riding. Photo by Yamaha AU By Mathieu Day-Gillett The issue of motorcyclists and safety has been really playing on my mind of late, brought on partly by the approaching arrival of my firstborn, but also the appalling state of Kiwi motorcycling – with Kiwi motorcyclists behaving badly the primary driver for increasing bad press. With the sickly hot weather of late, the number of motorcyclists forgoing the basics of protection in order to ‘stay cool’ on the roads, mixed with the classic Kiwi impatience towards motoring appears to be creating a clear spike in serious accidents. As much as I hate to admit it, motorcyclists are by a long way overrepresented in the 2018 road fatality statistics. Roughly one third of the 30+ fatal crashes so far this year have involved a motorcyclist. Just hit the search button and you’ll see plenty of ar...
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